############################################## |
# Created by Scott Chamberlain |
# Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Dept., Rice University |
# Houston, TX 77005, USA |
# myrmecocystus@gmail.com |
############################################## |
#### Load packages |
require(stringr); require(ape); require(plyr); require(reshape2) |
#### Set directory |
setwd("/Mac/R_stuff/Blog_etc/Phylip_fromR") |
#### Make a phylogeny |
tree <- rcoal(20) |
#### Evolve two traits on the tree |
traits_df <- data.frame(species = rep(tree$tip.label, each = 4), |
xtrait = round(melt(data.frame(replicate(20, rnorm(4, 5, 1))))[,2], 3), |
ytrait = round(melt(data.frame(replicate(20, rnorm(4, 8, 1))))[,2], 3) |
) |
##### Function WritePhylip creates Phylip format data input file |
# x = data frame of 3 rows: species names, first trait, second trait |
WritePhylip <- function(x) { |
tempdat <- x |
names(tempdat)[1] <- "species" |
nsp <- length(unique(tempdat[,1])) |
ntr <- 2 |
head <- paste(" ", nsp, ntr, collapse = ' ') |
splist <- list() |
for(i in unique(tempdat[,1])) { |
subdat <- tempdat[tempdat$species == i, ] |
sp <- paste(as.character(subdat[1,1]), length(subdat[,1]), sep = ' ') |
traits <- rbind(sp, cbind(adply(subdat[,-1], 1, paste, collapse = ' ')[,3])) |
splist[[i]] <- traits |
} |
phylipout <- rbind(head, do.call(rbind, splist)) |
write.table(phylipout, file = paste(paste(names(tempdat[-1]), collapse="_"), ".txt", sep=""), |
append = F, sep = "\t", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F) |
} |
# Write data sets and trees to file |
WritePhylip(traits_df) |
write.tree(tree, "tree.txt") |
#### Run contrast.app, function 'PhylipWithinSpContr' |
PhylipWithinSpContr <- function (data, phylog) { |
exec <- "/Mac/phylip-3.69/exe/contrast" |
system(exec, input = c(data, phylog, "R", "W", "Y")) |
out <- read.table("outfile", skip = 7, sep="\t") |
#### Process data output |
a <- data.frame(sapply(out[1:2,], function(x) as.numeric(str_split(str_trim(x, "b"), " +")[[1]]))) |
b <- data.frame(sapply(out[5:6,], function(x) as.numeric(str_split(str_trim(x, "b"), " +")[[1]]))) |
c <- data.frame(sapply(out[9:10,], function(x) as.numeric(str_split(str_trim(x, "b"), " +")[[1]]))) |
d <- data.frame(sapply(out[13:14,], function(x) as.numeric(str_split(str_trim(x, "b"), " +")[[1]]))) |
e <- data.frame(sapply(out[17:18,], function(x) as.numeric(str_split(str_trim(x, "b"), " +")[[1]]))) |
f <- data.frame(sapply(out[21:22,], function(x) as.numeric(str_split(str_trim(x, "b"), " +")[[1]]))) |
g <- data.frame(sapply(out[26:27,], function(x) as.numeric(str_split(str_trim(x, "b"), " +")[[1]]))) |
h <- data.frame(sapply(out[30:31,], function(x) as.numeric(str_split(str_trim(x, "b"), " +")[[1]]))) |
i <- data.frame(sapply(out[34:35,], function(x) as.numeric(str_split(str_trim(x, "b"), " +")[[1]]))) |
logL_withvar_df <- as.numeric(unlist(str_split(str_split(str_trim(out[38:41,], "b")[1], " +")[[1]][6:7], "[,]"))[c(1,3)]) |
logL_withoutvar_df <-as.numeric(unlist(str_split(str_split(str_trim(out[38:41,], "b")[2], " +")[[1]][6:7], "[,]"))[c(1,3)]) |
chisq_df <- as.numeric(unlist(str_split(str_split(str_trim(out[38:41,], "b")[4], " +")[[1]][4:5], "[,]"))[c(1,3)]) |
chisq_p <- pchisq(chisq_df[1], chisq_df[2], lower.tail = F) |
dat <- ldply(list(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)) |
dat <- rbind(dat, logL_withvar_df, logL_withoutvar_df, chisq_df, c(chisq_p, -999)) |
names2 <- c(rep(c("VarAIn_VarAest","VarAIn_VarEest","VarAIn_VarAreg","VarAIn_VarAcorr","VarAIn_VarEreg","VarAIn_VarEcorr", |
"VarAOut_VarEest","VarAOut_VarEreg","VarAOut_VarEcorr"), each=2), |
"logL_withvar_df","logL_withoutvar_df","chisq_df","chisq_p") |
dat <- data.frame(names2, dat[,1], dat[,2]) |
return(dat) |
} |
#### Run function one trait set |
datout <- PhylipWithinSpContr("xtrait_ytrait.txt", "tree.txt") |